Welcome to Augie's Blog & Disclaimer

DISCLAIMER - This site was created in order for me to express my daily thoughts, screwed up ideals, fantasies, and just about any other thought that goes through this sick head of mine. I have to live in it everyday, so now you have to hear about it!!! It's recommended that you have kleenex, something to vomit in, and possibly an oxygen tank while reading this blog.


Sunday, March 6, 2011


well i had the pleasure of teaching my eldest how to shave her pits this weekend... sarah will be 10 in a couple weeks and she has been complaining of being teased at school about having some hair on her pits so she asked me to teach her how to shave. this winter i had the pleasure to get the where do babies come from question and she said she wanted the truth. so after a weekend of very uncomfortable follow up questions i thought i was off the hook.
ive never been short of words but when my precious lil baby starts asking about these things i feel like we are moving too fast... i was alking to chuck as we both have birthdays coming up and recalling how when our parents were our age how old we thought they were. now i look at my lil ones and think im way to young to have kids this old... the only good thing that comes from this is that im another year closr to no more child support.
i am glad though that we have an open enough relationship that she still feels comfortable enough to ask these tough questions.

Thursday, March 3, 2011

chili dogs

i took some time off from my blog after some good advice from a friend. he said writing about the demise of my exwife ( and since thats what i let consume me for some time ) might not the best subject to address in the manner i chose  i thought it best to adhere to said advice. so thank you for the email it meant alot to me...

 this blog is for amanda my lil georgia peach... i sure do hate fb but the one thing i enjoy about it is keeping tabs on my long lost friend. it is as if by reading your posts we are sitting around talking like we did years ago. you are a wonderful young lady and im so very proud of what you are doing and am allways excited to see the fun things you come up with and post for all to see. i sure would love to have a beer and catch up some time and maybe even cowrite a review of said beers. i hope all is well and school is challenging and keeping you on your toes. love you
 oh and i had chili dogs for dinner tonight........